What is cat grass?
loves cat grass
What is cat grass?
What makes cat grass special?
Why should I give cat grass to my cat?
What is cat grass?
Cat grass is a generic term used to describe grass that is specifically grown for your cat to enjoy. However, cat grass is typically not the same variety of grass you grow for your lawn. Grass grown specifically for your cat also will not contain pesticides and other harmful things that your lawn may contain
What makes cat grass special?
Cat grass is a combination of wheat, barley, oat and rye grasses. When you purchase cat grass try to avoid buying just one type of the four varieties of grass.
Your cat will be happiest with a combination of grasses. Think of it as a perfect side salad for your cat. Just as you would be happier with a mixed type of leafy greens so will your cat.
Why should I give cat grass to my cat?
Eating grass is a natural behavior for your cat. Cats enjoy the crunching and chewing of grass. The smell of fresh grass is also enjoying for them. Often you will see your cat rubbing and smelling the grass. This is all a natural part of outdoor behavior that indoor cats seek.
Cat grass is also considered a healthy natural supplement for cats. The high fiber content helps eliminate hairballs and improves overall digestion.
There is also some research that indicates cat grass may reduce cat’s pain. The research is still ongoing and it is unclear if pain reduction is from the soothing act of eating grass or from the grass itself.